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2995Medical education challenges in mainland China: on application of problem-based learningHuman Genome Project and its implications{Abstract Track:23}{Abstract Track:52}{Abstract Track:53}{Abstract Track:54}{Abstract Track:55}Review
2994Medical education challenges in mainland China: on application of problem-based learningHuman Genome Project and its implications{Abstract Track:23}{Abstract Track:52}{Abstract Track:53}{Abstract Track:54}{Abstract Track:55}Review
2801Molecular Isolation of Leptospira Species from Sheep and Goat Blood and Ticks Collected from Livestock in IranMolecular Basis of Genetic Disease{Abstract Track:23}{Abstract Track:52}{Abstract Track:53}{Abstract Track:54}{Abstract Track:55}Review
1553Intersecting Fields: Exploring Genetics and Genomics in Crop Physiology - A Comprehensive ReviewOthers{Abstract Track:23}{Abstract Track:52}{Abstract Track:53}{Abstract Track:54}{Abstract Track:55}Review
1246Different phenological stages reveals key factor of shelf-life in mangoMolecular genetics and DNA sequencing{Abstract Track:23}{Abstract Track:52}{Abstract Track:53}{Abstract Track:54}{Abstract Track:55}Review
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