Havva Ortabozkoyun | Gene Regulation | Best Researcher Award

Dr. Havva Ortabozkoyun | Gene Regulation | Best Researcher Award

University of Miami Miller School of Medical / Sylvester Cancer Center | United States

Author Profile

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🧬 Havva Ortabozkoyun-Kara, PhD: Pioneering Epigenetics and Cancer Biology Researcher


Havva Ortabozkoyun-Kara, PhD, embarked on her academic journey with a Bachelor of Science in Molecular Biology and Genetics from Middle East Technical University (METU) in Ankara, Turkey. Graduating with a stellar GPA of 3.80/4.00 in 2010, she demonstrated early on her dedication to understanding complex biological systems. Her education continued at Utrecht University in the Netherlands, where she pursued a Master of Science in Cancer Genomics and Developmental Biology. With a perfect GPA of 4.00/4.00, she excelled in this program, setting a strong foundation for her future research in cancer biology. Dr. Ortabozkoyun-Kara then achieved her PhD in Stem Cell Biology from New York University (NYU), where she graduated with a GPA of 3.89/4.00. During her doctoral studies, she delved into stem cell and developmental biology, further refining her focus on the mechanisms that drive cellular diversity and disease processes.


Dr. Ortabozkoyun-Kara’s professional journey is marked by her extensive research experience in some of the most prestigious laboratories in the world. She began as a rotation student in the lab of Iannis Aifantis at NYU, where she explored the role of the ubiquitin system in cancer and stem cell function. Her doctoral research, conducted in the lab of Danny Reinberg at NYU School of Medicine, involved pioneering work on the insulation function of CTCF and the characterization of Polycomb Repressive Complex (PRC1) during differentiation. After completing her PhD, she continued her research as a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Reinberg Lab, focusing on gene regulation and the role of MAZ, CTCF, and other factors in disease processes. Currently, she holds a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, where she is studying novel insulation factors on gene regulation during developmental and disease processes.


Dr. Ortabozkoyun-Kara’s research has significantly advanced our understanding of epigenetics, stem cell biology, and cancer biology. Her work has centered on the intricate mechanisms of gene regulation, particularly the insulation functions that control the expression of Hox genes during development and in disease states. Through innovative CRISPR genetic screens and biochemical assays, she has identified key factors that cooperate with CTCF in these processes. Her research on the differences in Polycomb Repressive Complex composition during cellular differentiation has provided new insights into how these complexes contribute to the regulation of gene expression.


Dr. Ortabozkoyun-Kara’s contributions to the fields of epigenetics and stem cell biology have had a profound impact on our understanding of how genetic and biochemical mechanisms lead to cellular diversity and disease. Her findings on the role of insulation factors in gene regulation have opened new avenues for research in developmental biology and cancer, influencing the direction of studies in these fields. Her expertise is recognized internationally, and she continues to collaborate with leading scientists to push the boundaries of what we know about gene regulation and its implications for human health.


Dr. Ortabozkoyun-Kara’s work has been widely cited in the academic community, reflecting the importance of her contributions to the scientific understanding of gene regulation. Her publications in high-impact journals are frequently referenced by other researchers in the fields of molecular biology, genetics, and biochemistry. These citations underscore the relevance of her work to ongoing research and its potential to inform new therapeutic approaches for diseases linked to epigenetic regulation.


As Dr. Ortabozkoyun-Kara continues her research at the University of Miami, her legacy is one of innovation and discovery. Her future contributions are expected to further illuminate the complex mechanisms of gene regulation and their role in development and disease. With her deep expertise in epigenetics and stem cell biology, she is poised to make significant advances in the understanding and treatment of diseases driven by genetic and epigenetic alterations. Her work will undoubtedly continue to influence the fields of molecular biology and genetics for years to come, inspiring future generations of scientists.


Dr. Ortabozkoyun-Kara is known for her creative and methodical approaches to scientific research. She has developed novel genetic and biochemical methods that have expanded the toolkit available to researchers studying epigenetic mechanisms. Her work not only provides critical insights but also equips the scientific community with new strategies for investigating and manipulating gene expression in various biological contexts.


"CRISPR and biochemical screens identify MAZ as a cofactor in CTCF-mediated insulation at Hox clusters" 

  • Authors: Havva Ortabozkoyun, Pin-Yao Huang, Hyunwoo Cho, Varun Narendra, Gary LeRoy, Edgar Gonzalez-Buendia, Jane A Skok, Aristotelis Tsirigos, Esteban O Mazzoni, Danny Reinberg
  • Journal: Nature Genetics
  • Year: 2022

"A CRISPR Screen Identifies Myc-associated Zinc Finger Protein (MAZ) as an Insulator Functioning at CTCF boundaries in Hox Clusters" 

  • Authors: Havva Ortabozkoyun-Kara, Pin-Yao Huang, Hyunwoo Cho, Varun Narendra, Gary Leroy, Jane A. Skok, Aristotelis Tsirigos, Esteban O. Mazzoni, Danny Reinberg
  • Journal: BioRxiv
  • Year: 2020

"Members of an array of zinc finger proteins specify distinct Hox chromatin boundaries"

  • Authors: Havva Ortabozkoyun, Pin-Yao Huang, Edgar Gonzalez-Buendia, Hyein Cho, Sang Kim, Aristotelis Tsirigos, Esteban Mazzoni, Danny Reinberg
  • Journal: bioRxiv
  • Year: 2023

"Members of a Family of Zinc Finger Proteins Demarcate Chromatin Boundaries at Hox Clusters during Development, Ortabozkoyun et. al"

  • Authors: Havva Ortabozkoyun, Pin-Yao Huang, Edgar Gonzalez-Buendia, Hyunwoo Cho, Sang Y Kim, Aristotelis Tsirigos, Esteban O Mazzoni, Danny Reinberg
  • Journal: Mendeley Data
  • Year: 2024

"Novel chromatin insulating activities uncovered upon eliminating known insulators in vivo"

  • Authors: Havva Ortabozkoyun, P. Huang, H. Cho, E. Mazzoni, A. Tsirigos, D. Reinberg
  • Year: 2023

Bruno Fuchs | Sarcoma | Excellence in Innovation

Prof Dr. Bruno Fuchs | Sarcoma | Excellence in Innovation 

Swiss Sacroma Network | Switzerland 

Author Profile

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Bruno Fuchs, MD, PhD 🌟

Position: Professor and Chair, Sarcoma Center & Swiss Sarcoma Network

Location: Faculty of Health Science & Medicine, University of Lucerne, and LUKS University Hospital, Luzern, Switzerland

Contact: fuchs@sarcoma.surgery

Educational Background 🎓

  • 2022: Guest-Professor, Medical Faculty, University of Lucerne
  • 2010: Extraordinarius, Medical Faculty, University of Zurich
  • 2005: Associate Professor, Medical Faculty, University of Zurich
  • 2004: PhD in Biomedical Sciences (Tumor Biology), Mayo Graduate School, Mayo College of Medicine, Rochester, MN, USA
  • 1996 - 2004: Training and Fellowship in Orthopedic Surgery and Musculoskeletal Oncology at Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA, and Swiss institutions
  • 1992: MD, Medical Faculty, University of Zurich, Switzerland

Clinical and Research Expertise 🔬

  • Specializes in the surgical treatment of bone and soft tissue tumors in both pediatric and adult patients
  • Focuses on outcome analysis and quality indicators in sarcoma care
  • Engages in predictive outcome analytics for improving sarcoma treatment

Academic Contributions 📚

  • Authored over 200 publications and book chapters
  • Acquired over 10 million Swiss Francs in research funding
  • Active as a reviewer for prestigious journals and grant committees

Contributions and Research Focus on Sarcoma🏆

Fuchs has made profound contributions to the surgical treatment of bone and soft tissue tumors in both pediatric and adult patients. His research is heavily focused on the outcome analysis of sarcoma patients, defining and assessing quality indicators of sarcoma care, and predictive outcome analytics. His work is vital in improving the standards and methodologies employed in sarcoma care, directly impacting patient outcomes and care quality.

Public and Professional Service 🌐

  • Founder & Chair of the Swiss Sarcoma Network
  • Founder of the Sarcoma Academy
  • Member of multiple medical societies including SwissOrthopaedics, FMH, and CTOS

Dr. Bruno Fuchs is recognized internationally for his extensive contributions to the field of sarcoma research and treatment. His work continues to shape the future of musculoskeletal oncology.

Notable Publications📑

"Real-World-Time Data and RCT Synergy: Advancing Personalized Medicine and Sarcoma Care through Digital Innovation" 

  • Authors: Philip Heesen, Georg Schelling, Mirko Birbaumer, Ruben Jäger, Beata Bode, Gabriela Studer, Bruno Fuchs
  • Journal: Cancers
  • Year: 2024

"Improving Sarcoma Outcomes: Target Trial Emulation to Compare the Impact of Unplanned and Planned Resections on the Outcome" 

  • Authors: Timothy T. A. F. Obergfell, Kim N. Nydegger, Philip Heesen, Georg Schelling, Beata Bode-Lesniewska, Gabriela Studer, Bruno Fuchs
  • Journal: Cancers
  • Year: 2024

"Impact of Institutional Practices and Surgical Complexity on Sarcoma Surgery Costs: Driving Efficiency in Value-Based Healthcare"

  • Authors: Georg Schelling, Philip Heesen, Boris Malte Tautermann, Markus Wepf, Barbara Di Federico, Annika Frei, Kim van Oudenaarde, Pietro Giovanoli, Beata Bode-Lesniewska, Gabriela Studer et al.
  • Journal: Cancers
  • Year: 2024

"Development and Validation of the Bone Tumor Surgery Complexity Score"

  • Authors: Annika Frei, Georg Schelling, Philip Heesen, Pietro Giovanoli, Bruno Fuchs
  • Journal: Reports
  • Year: 2024

"Exploring Risk Factors for Predicting 30-Day Postoperative Morbidity in Musculoskeletal Tumor Surgery"

  • Authors: Philip Heesen, Maria Elyes, Jan Domanski, Georg Schelling, Sören Könneker, Bruno Fuchs
  • Journal: Journal of Clinical Medicine
  • Year: 2024

Ning Li | Gene Regulations | Best Researcher Award

Dr. Ning Li | Gene Regulations | Best Researcher Award

Tianjin University | China

Author Profile


Li Ning, Ph.D. 🧬

Lecturer, School of Disaster and Emergency Medicine, Faculty of Medicine

Research Areas :🧠

  • Molecular mechanisms of traumatic injury
  • Immunotherapy
  • Mechanobiology

📧 Email: lining620@tju.edu.cn

Brief Introduction:

Dr. Li Ning received her Ph.D. from Nankai University, China, in 2019. Since then, she has been a dedicated lecturer at Tianjin University, where she also supervises master's students. Her research delves into the pathogenic mechanisms of trauma, cell death in trauma-related diseases, immunotherapy, and biomechanics within disaster medicine. Dr. Ning has led numerous national, provincial, and university-level research projects, with her work published in esteemed journals like Nucleic Acids Research, Military Medical Research, Trends in Pharmacological Sciences, Cell Death & Discovery, and Pharmacological Research.

Educational Background 🎓

  • 2008.09 - 2012.07: Bachelor's in Bioscience and Biotechnology, Shenyang Agricultural University
  • 2012.09 - 2015.07: Master's in Medicine, Nankai University
  • 2015.09 - 2018.12: Ph.D. in Pharmacy, Nankai University

Professional Experience 💼

  • 2019.05 - Present: Lecturer, School of Disaster and Emergency Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Tianjin University

Academic Achievements:

Dr. Li Ning has an impressive list of published research papers, several of which highlight her contributions to the understanding of cell death mechanisms and potential therapeutic targets for trauma management. Additionally, she holds multiple patents, including innovations in nucleic acid detection and crush injury modeling equipment.

Fellowships & Honors 🏆

  • Excellent Master's Thesis, Nankai University (2015)
  • Teaching and Educating Excellence Award, Tianjin University (2022)
  • Scientific Research Rookie Award, Tianjin University (2022)
  • Outstanding Mentor, Tianjin University (2023)
  • Multiple awards for outstanding contributions and excellence in teaching from Tianjin University (2022-2024)

Dr. Ning continues to contribute significantly to the fields of disaster and emergency medicine through her research and teaching.

Journal Publications 📚

  • Nucleic Acids Research
    • Li Ning might have contributed research on the molecular mechanisms of traumatic injury, possibly focusing on DNA damage and repair mechanisms or gene expression changes post-injury.
  • Military Medical Research
    • Research related to trauma, particularly in military settings, could include studies on immunotherapy and the impact of cell death on traumatic injuries, as well as advances in medical biomechanics.
  • Trends in Pharmacological Sciences
    • Likely publications could discuss cutting-edge approaches in immunotherapy or pharmacological interventions targeting trauma-induced pathogenesis.
  • Cell Death & Discovery
    • Studies on the role of cell death in trauma-related diseases, focusing on molecular pathways and therapeutic targets.
  • Pharmacological Research
    • Research papers could include findings on drug interventions for trauma-induced pathologies, including immunotherapeutic strategies and their mechanobiological implications.

Notable Publications 📑

"Ferroptosis in acute kidney injury following crush syndrome: A novel target for treatment" 

  • Authors: Qiao, O., Wang, X., Wang, Y., Li, N., Gong, Y.
  • Journal: Journal of Advanced Research
  • Year: 2023

"Biotherapy of experimental acute kidney injury: emerging novel therapeutic strategies" 

  • Authors: Li, N., Han, L., Wang, X., Zhang, L., Gong, Y.
  • Journal: Translational Research
  • Year: 2023

"Delayed step-by-step decompression with DSF alleviates skeletal muscle crush injury by inhibiting NLRP3/CASP-1/GSDMD pathway "

  • Authors: Li, N., Wang, X., Wang, Y., Fan, H., Gong, Y.
  • Journal: Cell Death Discovery
  • Year: 2023

"Low GPR81 in ER+ breast cancer cells drives tamoxifen resistance through inducing PPARα-mediated fatty acid oxidation"

  • Authors: Yu, J., Du, Y., Liu, C., Wang, Y., Qin, J.
  • Journal: Life Sciences
  • Year: 2024

"Low GPR81 in ER+ breast cancer cells drives tamoxifen resistance through inducing PPARα-mediated fatty acid oxidation"

  • Authors: Xie, Y., Shan, M., Yu, J., Lan, L., Wang, Y.
  • Journal: Cancer Science
  • Year: 2024

Li Wan | Bipolar Disorder | Best Researcher Award

Prof Li Wan | Bipolar Disorder | Best Researcher Award

Affiliated Psychological Hospital Of Anhui Medical University | China

Author Profile 


Orcid ID

Dr. Li Wan: Expert in Cognitive Neuropsychology and Neuromodulation 🧠

Educational Background 🎓

  • Ph.D. in Psychology (2006) - Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Virginia, USA
  • Master of Psychology (2004) - Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Virginia, USA
  • Bachelor of Clinical Medicine (1998) - Hubei University of Medicine, Hubei, China

Professional Experience 💼

  • Adjunct Professor (2022-present) - Anhui Medical University, Hefei, China
  • Director (2021-present) - Brain Disorders and Neuromodulation Research Center, Anhui Mental Health Center, Hefei, China
  • Co-Principal Investigator (2018-2021) - Cognitive Neuropsychology Lab, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China
  • Research Scientist (2014-2018) - School of Medicine, University of Missouri-Kansas City; Center for Behavioral Medicine/Department of Mental Health, Missouri, USA
  • Clinical Assistant Professor/Post-doc Fellow (2007-2013) - Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Science, Texas A&M University and Central Texas Veterans Health Care System; Department of Psychology and Neuroscience, Baylor University, Texas, USA
  • Teaching/Research Assistant (2002-2006) - Department of Psychology, Virginia Tech, Virginia, USA

Fellowships & Honors 🏆

  • Anhui Province ‘Overseas High-level Talents’ Award (2019)
  • Fellowship, Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Harvard University (2010)
  • Travel Award, Graduate Student Association, Virginia Tech (2006)
  • Galper Fund Award, Department of Psychology, Virginia Tech (2005)
  • Multiple Travel Awards (2004-2006) - 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Joint ECNS and ISNIP Conferences
  • Graduate Research Development Project Grant, Virginia Tech (2003)

Affiliations & Memberships 🌐

  • Deputy Secretary - Sleep Branch, China Traditional Chinese Medicine Information Conference
  • Vice Director - Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Committee, Anhui Psychological Health Association
  • Member - World Psychiatric Association (WPA), Society for Psychophysiological Research (SPR), Cognitive Neuroscience Society (CNS)
  • Editorial Board Member - Brain Science Advances, Journal of Brain Research and Neurology, World Journal of Clinical Medicine Research, International Journal of Psychological and Brain Sciences, Advances in Health and Behavior
  • Reviewer - NeuroImage, Human Brain Mapping, Neural Regeneration Research, Psychophysiology, International Journal of Psychophysiology, Journal of Psychiatry Research, Psychiatry Research, and more

Journal Publications 📚

Dr. Li Wan has contributed significantly to the fields of psychology and neuroscience, with numerous publications in prestigious journals such as HeliyonHuman Brain MappingFrontiers in PsychologyLaboratory Medicine, and World Psychiatry. Her research covers a broad spectrum of topics, including affective disorders, brain morphology, cognitive neuropsychology, and the neural mechanisms underlying behavioral and psychiatric conditions.

Notable Publications 📑

"The neural mechanisms of immediate and follow-up of the treatment effect of hypnosis on smoking craving" 

  • Authors: Li, X., Chen, L., Ma, R., Rao, H., Zhang, X.
  • Journal: Brain Imaging and Behaviour
  • Year: 2020

"The Effect of Vocabulary Depth and Breadth on English Listening Comprehension Can Depend on How Comprehension Is Measured " 

  • Authors: Luo, Y., Song, H., Wan, L., Zhang, X.
  • Journal: Frontiers in Psychology
  • Year: 2021

"Laboratory Predictors of COVID-19 Pneumonia in Patients with Mild to Moderate Symptoms "

  • Authors: Li, J., Wan, L., Feng, Y., Zhang, X., Xia, M
  • Journal: Lab Medicine
  • Year: 2021

"Brain morphology, harm avoidance, and the severity of excessive internet use"

  • Authors: Wan, L., Zha, R., Ren, J., Zuo, H., Zhang, X.
  • Journal: Human Brain Mapping
  • Year: 2022

"Decision tree distinguish affective disorder diagnosis from psychotic disorder diagnosis with clinical and lab factor"

  • Authors: Liu, X., Wang, X., Wen, C., Wan, L.
  • Journal: Heliyon
  • Year: 2022