Gang liu | Cancer | Best Researcher Award

Prof Gang liu | Cancer | Best Researcher Award

Gansu Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention | China

Author Profile


Gang Liu: Pioneer in Radiobiology and Preventive Medicine āš›ļø


Gang Liu began his academic journey at Lanzhou University, where he pursued a PhD in preventive medicine. His graduation in 1997 marked the beginning of a career dedicated to understanding the impacts of radiation on health. His academic training in preventive medicine provided the foundation for his future contributions to radiobiology and public health, particularly in the context of disease control and prevention.


After obtaining his PhD, Gang Liu embarked on a distinguished career at the Gansu Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention. His professional focus has been on the intersection of radiobiology, immunology, and tumor screening. In 2019, his registration as a health physicist signaled a significant milestone. He became the technical lead for a groundbreaking study on low-dose dose-effect relationships, a critical area in radiation therapy and safety. His expertise in radiation protection and therapy has earned him a prominent position within the medical research community.


Gang Liu's research primarily revolves around radiobiology and radiation protection in therapy. His technological advancements in biological dose estimation are considered cutting-edge within China and recognized internationally. One of his significant contributions was revising the 2011 IAEA Manual based on findings from his studies on radiological sensitivity and dose rates. This revision, coupled with his publications in the FASEB Journal, has made Liu a leading figure in radiation science. His work in chromosomal aberration analysis and developing noninvasive techniques for early-stage cancer screening underscores his innovative approach to medical research.


Gang Liu's influence extends beyond national borders. His research on radiological sensitivity and dose rates, especially in the context of cancer screening and radiation therapy, has set new benchmarks in the field. The international recognition of his work, particularly his advancements in biological dose estimation and contributions to global radiation protection protocols, underscores his importance in radiobiology. His work is used by institutions worldwide to improve radiation safety standards and enhance cancer diagnostic techniques.


His pioneering research has been published in prestigious journals such as the FASEB Journal, one of the top international platforms for scientific contributions. The citations of his work in radiological sensitivity, chromosomal aberration analysis, and cancer screening techniques reflect his deep impact on the scientific community, with his methods influencing both practical applications in healthcare and further research.


Gang Liuā€™s legacy will likely be defined by his leadership in advancing radiation protection technology and cancer screening techniques. As an innovator in radiological health, his influence will continue to grow through future contributions to radiation therapy safety, noninvasive cancer detection, and international health standards. His ongoing work in exploring new methods for biological dose estimation will further establish his standing as a key figure in the evolution of radiation medicine.


"Study of Low-Dose Radiation Workers Ionizing Radiation Sensitivity Index and Radiation Dose-Effect Relationship"Ā 

  • Authors: Liu, G., Zhang, R., Li, Y., Liu, Y.Y., Zhang, X.
  • Journal: Health Physics
  • Year: 2022

"Revision of cytogenetic dosimetry in the IAEA manual 2011 based on data about radio-sensitivity and dose-rate findings contributing"Ā 

  • Authors:Liu, G.
  • Journal: FASEB Journal
  • Year: 2022

"Thyroid dose assessments due to inhalation of 131I for nuclear medicine workers"

  • Authors: Liu, G., Li, Y., Zhang, H., Niu, L.M., Zhang, R.
  • Journal: Frontiers in Public Health
  • Year: 2022

"Study of Indicators for Early and Rapid Diagnosis of Radiation Injury Is the Most Important in Patients With Cancer During Radiotherapy"

  • Authors: Liu, G., Niu, L.-M., Wang, L.-Q., Liu, Y.-Y., Zhang, R.
  • Journal: Dose-Response
  • Year: 2020

"Chromosomal aberration analysis: Novel noninvasive techniques for early-stage cancer screening"

  • Authors: Liu, G.
  • Journal: Clinica Chimica Acta
  • Year: 2024

Bin Zhang | Gene Mutation | Best Researcher Award

Prof Bin Zhang | Gene Mutation | Best Researcher Award

Jining Medical University | China



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Bin Zhang's journey into the world of medical research began with a solid foundation in biomedical sciences. His early academic pursuits were marked by a dedication to understanding complex biological systems and a passion for contributing to the field of oncology. This academic dedication led him to become a young expert recognized under the prestigious Taishan Mount Scholars program in China.


In 2018, Bin Zhang was appointed as a researcher at the Affiliated Hospital of Jining Medical University. Here, he established the tumor metabolism research group, assuming the role of Principal Investigator. Under his leadership, the group has grown to focus on four key research directions: the regulatory mechanisms of tumor stem cells, the specificity of tumor biomacromolecules and energy metabolism, the regulation of energy metabolism by oncogenic gene mutations, and the screening of potential drugs targeting tumor metabolism.


Bin Zhang's research has significantly advanced the understanding of tumor metabolism. His work has been published in esteemed journals such as Cell Reports Medicine, Biomaterials, Oncogene, Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research, and Stem Cells. These publications highlight his team's investigations into the intricate mechanisms of tumor biology and potential therapeutic targets. The research group delves into how tumor stem cells are regulated, how tumor biomacromolecules function, and how mutations in oncogenes affect energy metabolism, all of which are crucial for developing new cancer treatments.


The impact of Bin Zhang's research is reflected in the high citation rate of his publications, with over 5000 citations to date and an H-Index of 34. His work has not only contributed valuable knowledge to the scientific community but has also influenced ongoing research and development in tumor metabolism. Furthermore, Bin Zhang has successfully secured ten patents, two of which have been transferred, demonstrating the practical applications and commercial potential of his research findings.


Bin Zhang is also an active member of the academic community, serving as a reviewer for several high-impact journals including Stem Cells and Development, EBioMedicine, Stem Cell Research & Therapy, Molecular Carcinogenesis, and the Journal of Clinical Laboratory Medicine. His expertise is sought after in evaluating cutting-edge research and ensuring the quality of publications in these journals.


Bin Zhang's legacy in the field of tumor metabolism is marked by his innovative research and commitment to advancing cancer treatment. Currently, he is the principal investigator of two general projects funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, two projects funded by Shandong Province, and two projects funded by the Postdoctoral Foundation of China. His ongoing work promises to uncover new insights and develop novel therapies, continuing to push the boundaries of cancer research